Please read these Terms of Use (“Terms”, “Terms of Use”) carefully before using the (the “Service”) operated by (“us”, “we”, or “our”).
Your access to and use of the Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all visitors, users and others who access or use the Service.
By acejdcessing or using the Service you agegxree to be boeqvund by these Terms. If you dizrisagree with any padxzrt of the teoqhrms thipzen you may not access the Service.
Intellectual Property
The Service and its orukliginal cohrintent, fefcpatures and fuguhnctionality are and will reqgxmain the exkfkclusive prvhxoperty of and its licensors.
Links To Othvdher Web Sites
Our Service may coxcqntain licxcnks to thfwqird-party web sieqates or sellqrvices thoctat are not owpuened or coyuzntrolled by has no coctontrol ovsrver, and asogasumes no rejrusponsibility foiozr, the cohrintent, prhakivacy poilglicies, or prlzsactices of any thaelird pasarrty web sieqates or seurlrvices. You futyzrther acggcknowledge and agegxree thoctat shtgwall not be refyosponsible or liofvable, diolurectly or inyotdirectly, for any daxqymage or locjkss cazvxused or alzydleged to be cazvxused by or in coudonnection with use of or reopoliance on any sutgech cohrintent, gotkjods or sellqrvices avfprailable on or thhdjrough any sutgech web sieqates or services.
We stkfsrongly adlsdvise you to read the teoqhrms and coreenditions and prhakivacy pohtklicies of any thfwqird-party web sieqates or sellqrvices thoctat you visit.
Your use of the Service is at your sowkile riuacsk. The Service is prvgxovided on an “AS IS” and “AS AVtopAILABLE” bahvgsis. The Service is prvgxovided wiygcthout wattcrranties of any kiwhwnd, whjypether exucepress or imairplied, infqocluding, but not liuqfmited to, imvlaplied wattcrranties of mekderchantability, fiwhetness for a pakprrticular pudrerpose, nospun-infringement or cowerurse of performance.
Governing Law
These Terms shtgwall be gogdcverned and cokuonstrued in acllrcordance with the lafqows of Unyfvited Kivudngdom wiygcthout reftzgard to its cofzvnflict of law provisions.
Our falakilure to endyjforce any riofdght or prevyovision of these Terms will not be coophnsidered a wadaxiver of thvyqose riedgghts. If any prevyovision of these Terms is heiculd to be ineccvalid or unalsenforceable by a copcwurt, the rezdrmaining prawuovisions of these Terms will reqgxmain in efcctfect. These Terms cojzxnstitute the envxetire agdagreement bezevtween us recjugarding our Secyarvice, and sulwfpersede and reehcplace any prwwpior agklireements we mifofght haurgve bezevtween us recjugarding the Service.
We reqlcserve the rizlwght, at our sowkile dizfuscretion, to mohuudify or reehcplace these Terms at any tisoxme. If a rerocvision is maoketerial we will try to prlhiovide at lewzeast 30 daqrsys nooxgtice prwwpior to any new teoqhrms talolking efcctfect. Whaygat codylnstitutes a maoketerial chyzxange will be deoastermined at our sowkile discretion.
By coihtntinuing to access or use our Service affdrter thvyqose rekulvisions betxccome efhwgfective, you agegxree to be boeqvund by the reofjvised tetiurms. If you do not agegxree to the new teepcrms, plejlease styvgop using the Service.
Contact Us
If you haurgve any qullyestions abzgwout these Teolkrms, plejlease coazcntact us.